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NURSE: Stephanie Thibeault

The school nurse is a registered nurse licensed by the State of Kansas. She holds a valid certification issued by the State Department of Education. The school nurse is charged with setting up and carrying out the health program of the school district.

The school nurse is responsible for administering the following programs during the school year.

A. Immunization program

B. Dental health program

C. Weight and measurement program

D. Hearing Testing

E. Vision Testing

In addition to the above-mentioned programs, she will provide emergency treatment and care for students who become ill at school.


Students are required to have a PASS for admittance to the Nurse’s Office. Students will not be admitted during instructional time except in emergencies. Should student need health attention at times when the nurse is not in the building, he/she should be sent to the office.


If a student becomes ill at school, the nurse will ascertain symptoms. The nurse is not responsible for diagnosis. Should the student need to be sent home, the student’s parent or legal guardian must first be contacted and they must grant permission for a student to be sent home. No student will be sent home without notifying the parent or legal guardian first. If the parent or legal guardian cannot be contacted, the student will have to remain at school until the end of the day.


It is essential that the student be able to provide an Emergency number at any time so that a parent can be notified in case of accident or illness.

(NOTE: Local hospital emergency room personnel will not provide health care without permission from the parent or legal guardian.)


A student will not be permitted to carry medication at school.

All medication should be brought to the school nurse’s office. The medication should be in the container for which it was prescribed, and a note should be sent to school from the parent stating permission for the student to take the medication at school. The school nurse will then give a pass to permit the student to return at the appropriate time to receive the medication. Inhalers can be carried by students who have written doctor’s statement and parents permission slip.


Students suspected of having any communicable condition will be sent home immediately and required to see their family physician for diagnosis and treatment. Upon their return to school, the student must be sent to the nurse for re-admittance. If all is well, the nurse will then issue an “admit to all classes” permit.


The school nurse keeps a cumulative health folder on each student in which all data pertinent to the health of the child is recorded. This record is kept up to date and ready to transfer from the school district at any time. The student needs to inform the school nurse of any pertinent health data so that the information may become a part of the student health folder.


The school nurse welcomes conferences with teachers regarding students with known health problems. You will be notified if any of your students have conditions, as noted in their health folder, which might affect their classroom work.

Many of our students have health problems that are not obvious but yet affect the student’s classroom performance. Please refer any student you feel needs some health guidance (i.e. poor vision, possible hearing loss, speech defect or other personal handicap.) Your observation of those students is the most valuable method of detecting the problems and referring the students for help.